Saturday, 20 December 2014


So it looks like I won't get a slab poured before Christmas. Oh well. Such is life. The peering has been done though and the site is ready for a slab. I'm first job off the rank in 2015 so can't complain too much. Got my external colours back last week. I reckon it looks pretty good and all the colours go well together. Nice and beachy looking. 
Today I went shopping at Oz design for a dining table. I ended up putting one on layby. I have to say I'm pretty happy with my choices so far! 

Merry Christmas everyone.

My site all excavated.

External colours for the house.

Dining table.

Friday, 5 December 2014

And so it begins!

Today marks the beginning of the excavation of my block! The beginning of the whole building process, the beginning of one of my biggest achievements yet, the beginning of my future and the beginning of a new chapter. I can't remember a time I've felt as happy or as proud as I did today when I stepped out on my block and marvelled at what I've been able to achieve on my own. I honestly cannot wait to see my house start to come together piece by piece, brick by brick and tile by tile. All the drama, hold ups and upsets already feel like a distant memory and I know it's all going to be worth it in the end!