What did I do? Well I'll tell you. I snuck through the fence at my building site and walked through my house.......twice.
Do I regret it? Ask me again if I get caught.
Any who whilst I'm still out of trouble, I have to admit it was frikken awesome walking through all the parts of the house and coming to the realization that it's all mine (and ING's- but let's not talk about that).
Seeing all the frames up has definitely made it feel real to me and I've fallen in love with my home. Just quietly I may have shed a tear or two or ten or just plain old had a meltdown but whatever it's not important. In my mind I already have the rooms furnished and the pantry stocked.
So where to from here? Well the windows go in on Monday and the bricks start going up Tuesday. Shouldn't be too long until the gyprock goes up and then I'll be breaking the rules daily.......